Periodontal Disease Checklist

Speak to your doctor if you experience the following symptoms:
  • If your gums bleed during brushing
  • If the bleeding gum area is sore while drinking cold water
  • If pus comes out of the gums
  • If you see tartar buildup
  • If you experience bad breath
  • If your teeth feel weak when chewing hard food

Periodontal Disease


Healthy Condition

The gums around the teeth are pink, and the gums do not bleed. You should receive scaling every 6 months to 1 year and maintain healthy periodontal tissue with proper brushing.


Gingivitis (reversible)

The gums around the teeth are swollen red and bleed when brushing. Adjusting the frequency of regular cleanings may be necessary to get back on track to oral health.


Chronic Periodontitis (intervention needed)

Gums are swollen, constantly bleed and a foul odor can be detected. Radiographic evidence of bone loss is noted and teeth start to exhibit mobility. A throbbing pain can also be present. Periodontal surgery may be necessary to correct the issue before further break down. After intervention, periodontal maintenance treatment should be performed by visiting the dental office every 3 to 4 months.


Advanced Periodontitis (end stage)

Teeth suffering from end stage periodontal disease will have irregular mobility due to the destruction of supporting bone structure. Bleeding, swelling, and pain when chewing are common symptoms. The prognosis of the tooth is poor and may require removal.


Regular Hygiene Visits

Regular hygiene visits with your favorite hygienist will eliminate superficial plaque buildup on teeth.

Scaling and Root Planing (SRP)

Also commonly known as “deep cleanings”- scaling and root planing eliminates plaque and tartar buildup below the gums and on root surfaces that cause inflammation and periodontal disease that destroy the supporting bony structure of teeth.

Periodontal Surgery

If gum tissue is extensively damaged due to a lot of gingival disease, the periodontal bag is removed through surgery, and the damaged gum tissue is restored as much as possible, along with the correction of the root lubricating and gingival mucosa defects. Giving is an operation.

Gum disease requires periodic management.

It is a disease that does not feel uncomfortable in everyday life and does not hurt very much at first, but when it is discovered, it has already progressed considerably. Gum disease should be avoided through regular scaling, and regular dental examinations should be performed at least once or twice a year.